
Journal of System Simulation


Abstract: Considering the influence of cutting chip thickness on the heat flux distribution, the discrete loading method of heat source model and its effects on numerical calculation error were analyzed. A novel load method towards heat source model with a non-integral function distribution was put forward based on the discretizing idea of finite element method (FEM). On the basis of the new provided load method, simulations about typical grinding conditions were conducted using parabolic and Rayleigh distribution heat source model, to analyze the influence law of heat source model on grinding temperature field. Compared with the measured grinding temperature and its theoretical value, it can be conducted that FEM simulated result is reliable, and the proposed thermal loading method based on non-integral function distribution is a feasible way to load heat flux which has an non-integral function distribution and research grinding temperature field, which provides a theoretical basis for further study.

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Recommended Citation

Wang Yan, Xie Jianhua, Xiong Wei, Yang Lin, Zhang Sheng. Research on Simulation of Heat Source Model Based on Finite Element Method in Surface Grinding[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2016, 28(11): 2709-2716.


