
Journal of System Simulation


Abstract: Wargame map is a sketchy description of geographical environment under certain conditions. It is used to assist commanders or operational models to locate spatial positions and to determine spatial attributes. The former process is called geometric modeling and the latter attribute modeling, and the combination of which is known as Wargame Map Modeling. A Raster Lattice Algorithm for attribute modeling was proposed, which could effectively reduce modeling complexity and improve modeling efficiency. The basic process of attribute modeling and discussing its difficulty was described, i.e., the calculation of the covered areal ratio between hexagon and the geographical environment element. A Raster Lattice Algorithm was proposed to replace the traditional polygon clipping algorithm. For the proposed algorithm, the key lied in determining a suitable range of raster lattice size to ensure a balance between computational accuracy and efficiency. To this end, the Dengfeng region of Henan province as the experimental area was chosen, taking the covered areal ratio of vegetation elements to hexagon as the experimental object, and investigating the effects of multiple n on the efficiency of the algorithm. The appropriate range is (1/32, 1/64).

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Recommended Citation

Zhang Jinming. Using Raster Lattices to Build Terrain Attribute of Wargame Map[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2016, 28(8): 1748-1756.
