
Journal of System Simulation


Abstract: The atmospheric phase delay caused by tropospheric water vapor (WV) is an important factor to the precision of repeat-pass mode interferometry synthetic aperture radar (InSAR). To study the WV effect quantitatively, the regulation of WV effect in repeat-pass InSAR is analyzed and the simulation scheme is designed in which the DEM and WV model is used to simulate InSAR interferogram and WV delay phase, and the derived height is analyzed. The experiment is performed by using systems and baseline parameters of SAR images of Henan;WV effected interferogram is simulated using DEM and vertical layered WV model; and the derived height is also analyzed. Experimental results show that the errors of WV effect cannot be ignored in height deriving in InSAR, as the errors come to 8-22m and RMS is 13.16m when WV is 0.5mm with the antenna height at 780km, incidence angle at 23°and baseline length at80m;and the errors caused by WV increase with the incidence angle and slant range increasing, while decrease with baseline increasing.

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Recommended Citation

Wang Xintian, Jin Guowang, Xiong Xin, Zhang Hongmin, Xu Qing. Simulation and Analysis of Atmospheric Effects on Height Deriving from InSAR[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2018, 30(8): 3105-3114.

Corresponding Author

Guowang Jin,


