
Journal of System Simulation


Abstract: Under the operation mode of power market, based on two-layer master-slave game, a distributed energy management strategy for the microgrid is proposed to tackle the conflict between the overall optimal operation of renewable microgrid and the maximum profit of each investor. To fully consider the balance between energy supply and demand, the concept of power trading agent is introduced, and an integrated demand response strategy based on consumer satisfaction and adjustable load is proposed on the user side. Considering the initiative and decision-making ability of power supply and load, the decision-making game model is established with power trading agent as leader and distributed power supply agent and load agent as followers. The existence and uniqueness of Stackelberg game are proved, and the differential evolution algorithm combining quadratic programming is used to solve the proposed model. The excellent convergence and economy of the proposed model and strategy are verified by the case study which include distributed powers and community users.

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TP391.9; TM734

Recommended Citation

Ma Miaomiao, Wang Hao, Dong Lipeng, et al. Distributed Energy Management Strategy of Microgrid Based on Master-slave Game[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2024, 36(4): 834-843.


