
Journal of System Simulation


Abstract: In order to address the artifacts caused by misalignment in maritime image stitch with low texture and large parallax, a geometric structure parallax-tolerant image stitch algorithm based on point-line feature registration and optimal seam fusion is proposed. Line segment features are introduced into the traditional homography transformation based on point features, and potential coplanar local line segments are merged into global line segments to provide accurate alignment conditions for seam line fusion. In the image fusion stage, the energy function of seam cutting method is designed by using the color difference and gradient difference of tanh measure and introducing saliency detection weight, which guides the optimal seam to avoid prominent maritime structures in the image, thus ensuring the continuity of structural edges. The SIFT flow method is used to correct the misalignment pixels on the stitching seam, and the maritime image stitching with accurate geometric structure is realized. Experimental results, based on 20 pairs of diverse scene data, compaed with the baseline method, the proposed algorithm achieves an average 44.6% reduction in seam quality error based on structural similarity, with a maximum reduction of 66.7%. The average reduction in seam quality error based on zero mean normalized cross-correlation is 24.7%, with a maximum reduction of 51.6%. The algorithm can effectively avoid artifacts, thus achieving visually natural stitching results and satisfying the requirements for a wide field of view during unmanned ship navigation.

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Recommended Citation

Yang Zhilin, Yin Yong, Zhang Rukai, et al. Parallax-tolerant Image Stitching with Geometric Structure Protection for Unmanned Ship Visual Perception[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2024, 36(8): 1749-1763.

Corresponding Author

Yin Yong


