
Journal of System Simulation


Abstract: Three are two bottlenecks during training: irregular form display simulation of weather target and display simulation of electromagnetic interference in AEW radar training simulator. The weather target display was realized by building weather controlling model and irregular form of weather target based on Bezier Curve and path developed was simulated by VC++. Interference display of AEW radar was realized by building model of various interference patterns and rejecting operation was simulated by building operating model. A lot of difficulties of PPI for AEW radar training simulator were settled: such as random distribution of weather target, irregular form of weather target, adjusting of parameters of weather target display, interference setting and display randomness. Simulation results are effective in practice, which could provide realistic display of weather target, interference for radar operator and good effect in battle

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Recommended Citation

Chu Xiaojun. Modeling and Simulation of WX and Interference Display of AEW Radar Simulator[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2015, 27(1): 69-75.
