
Journal of System Simulation


Abstract: It is widely accepted that in traditional crop ideotype breeding, field trials are time-consuming, yet lacking appropriate ways to evaluate the target morphology to be optimal. In order to obtain ideal crop plant type quickly and automatically, meanwhile to reduce the side effects caused by manual operations in the processes of plant type design, e.g. the growing of labor costs and uncertainty of the outcome, a method based on genetic algorithms (GAs) and functional-structural plant model (FSPM) was proposed in this study to optimize plant type of virtual rice by dynamically adjusting phenotypical traits of rice plants. Based on this method, an optimization system for rice plant type was developed in the platform, by using C++, OpenGL and MFC framework. The main modules and key technologies as well as system implementation were introduced in detail. The optimization method for rice plant type based on Functional-structural model, could provide a reference for quantitative designing and optimizing plant type of different crops.

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Recommended Citation

Ding Weilong, Xu Lifeng, Wei Yang, Gao Nan. Design and Realization of Optimization System for Rice Type[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2015, 27(10): 2467-2474.
