
Journal of System Simulation


Abstract: Training simulator is one important part of the virtual solider technology application, and the combat crowd behavior research can improve training effect efficiently. The model divided the combat decision-making into five layers: biomechanical, reactive, cognitive, and rational, and constructed combat crowd behavior model; proposed the concept of interaction unit that can save and perform the interaction between agents. The multilayered decision-making system used an oriented graph managed the behavior planning and built the interaction management. The model divided the combat behavior into seven basic behavior in order to simplify the combat goal. The model was used in an equipment training and testing system. The result turns out that the model has high fidelity, cost little computer resource, can fit for the training and testing system and improve the training effect.

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Recommended Citation

Xue Qing, Xu Wenchao, Zheng Changwei, Zhang Guohui. Combat Crowd Behavior Modeling Based on Multilayered Decision-making[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2015, 27(3): 494-499.
