
Journal of System Simulation


Abstract: Protection and preservation of the scene of shadow play is an urgent mission for the Chinese shadow play sustainable development. So far the visual effect is inadequate since shadow plays are always considered as two-dimensional images moving on visualization purpose, which drags down reproduction of the scene. Therefore, intact and lifelike reproduction of 3-D visual information of shadow play is the only task in the study. After an analysis of vision generation process of shadow play, a theoretical model was proposed including screen, puppets and light source, and a corresponding GPU volume rendering method for the play visualization was developed. The improvement in visual fidelity of the simulation model was certified by means of Delphi, in which ten more experts and experienced audiences were invited. This study will contribute to China's cultural relics protection and shadow play reproduction, improve viewing experience of audiences and promote dissemination of the Chinese shadow play as intangible cultural heritage.

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Wang Shenghua, Tan Jian. Chinese Shadow Play Simulation Based on Volume Visualization[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2015, 27(9): 2126-2134.
