
Journal of System Simulation


Abstract: The non-uniformity characteristic is the crucial factors affecting the image quality projected by infrared imaging resistor array, and which affects the fidelity of the infrared scene simulation. The non-uniformity characters of the infrared imaging simulation resistor array were analyzed based on measured data; the sparse grid and the flood non-uniformity correction technologies were investigated and analyzed and based on the existing measuring technology the improved sparse grid method for engineering was proposed. Through measuring the non-uniformity data, establishing the linear look-up table and correcting the non-uniformity image, the non-uniformity correction algorithm was developed and validated. The result shows that the image quality has a remarkable improvement after non-uniformity correction, the non-uniformity correction flow and algorithm preferably satisfy the requirement of the high confidence infrared imaging simulation.

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Recommended Citation

Du Huijie, Zhao Hongming, Yu Hong, Gao Yang, Zhang Yi. Research on Sparse Grid Non-uniformity Correction Technologies for Infrared Imaging Resistor Array[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2016, 28(1): 70-76.
