
Journal of System Simulation


Abstract: Accurate navigation and location, effective detection and realtime obstacle avoidance are the bases of Underwater Unmanned Vehicle (UUV) for long voyage mission accomplishment. To achieve intellectual demonstration and validation functions of UUV, which was studied on the base of integrated navigation model and dynamic obstacle-avoidance strategy on detection, the systems analysis aimed to simulated object characteristics was accomplished. Besides, models-component encapsulation method together with concurrent multi-thread simulation skeleton on discrete events was derived, followed by designed UUV navigation and obstacle-avoidance simulation system, compartmentalized function modules and marked-out simulation flow. The simulation application of UUV was achieved to face different kinds of warfare which were assumed on math. The simulation results show that the UUV Simulation System well satisfies afforded UUV validate requirements of navigation and obstacle-avoidance simulation demo in varies.

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Recommended Citation

Zheng Wei, Zou Qiming, Ni Wenxi. Design and Application of Underwater Unmanned Vehicle Simulation System for Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2016, 28(1): 91-98.
