
Journal of System Simulation


Abstract: The random Kelvin cell open-cell foam model, the further investigations on the boundary conditions of the model were carried out using the Python scripting language and the commercial code ABAQUS. The ‘floating' edges in boundary, owing to being cut with slanted planes, were eliminated. The compressive behaviors of the material under free boundary condition and fixed boundary condition were investigated and comparatively analyzed. On the basis of the above results, the periodic boundary condition was developed, and the method of setting the periodic boundary condition under several different conditions was discussed. The methodology for the design and implement for the key algorithms in the process of modeling were presented. Aiming at the open cell Aluminum foam, the compressive response of the random Kelvin cell open-cell foam structure under the three boundary conditions and quasi-static compression were numerically investigated and comparatively analyzed.

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Recommended Citation

Qi Minju, Gao Guangfa. Boundary Conditions for Model of Random Kelvin cell Open-cell Foam and Its Application on Open-cell Aluminum Foam[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2016, 28(1): 190-199.
