
Journal of System Simulation


Abstract: The phenomenon of non-motor vehicle reverse driving in one-way non-motor vehicle road occurs in most China's cities. A cellular automata model of non-motor vehicle flow mixed with reverse driving vehicles was established, which considered the different lane-changing rules of the reverse and forward vehicle. The results of the computer numerical simulation for the model show that, in low density stage, the ratio of reverse vehicles has little effect on flow and speed, and the capacity and the avenge speed decrease as the ratio of reverse vehicles increases. Lane-changing ratio has a great influence on the mixed non-motor vehicles traffic flow, when the lane-changing ratio is small, even under low density, the traffic jams is prone to happen. When the ratio of reverse vehicles is larger, this model has become a two-way road non-motorized traffic flow model with mutual interference.

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Recommended Citation

Kuang Xianyan, Cao Weihua, Wu Yun. Cellular Automata Model of Non-motor Vehicle Flow Considering Reverse Vehicles[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2016, 28(2): 268-274.
