
Journal of System Simulation


Geng Chao, 1. School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150001;;
Shiyou Qu, 1. School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150001;;
Yingying Xiao, 2. Beijing Complex Product Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Research Center, Beijing Simulation Center, Beijing 100854;;3. State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Manufacturing System Technology, Beijing Institute of Electronic System Engineering, Beijing 100854;;4. Science and Technology on Space System Simulation Laboratory, Beijing Simulation Center, Beijing 100854;;
Guoqiang Shi, 2. Beijing Complex Product Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Research Center, Beijing Simulation Center, Beijing 100854;;3. State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Manufacturing System Technology, Beijing Institute of Electronic System Engineering, Beijing 100854;;4. Science and Technology on Space System Simulation Laboratory, Beijing Simulation Center, Beijing 100854;;
Tingyu Lin, 2. Beijing Complex Product Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Research Center, Beijing Simulation Center, Beijing 100854;;3. State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Manufacturing System Technology, Beijing Institute of Electronic System Engineering, Beijing 100854;;4. Science and Technology on Space System Simulation Laboratory, Beijing Simulation Center, Beijing 100854;;
Liqin Guo, 2. Beijing Complex Product Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Research Center, Beijing Simulation Center, Beijing 100854;;3. State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Manufacturing System Technology, Beijing Institute of Electronic System Engineering, Beijing 100854;;4. Science and Technology on Space System Simulation Laboratory, Beijing Simulation Center, Beijing 100854;;
Xiaowei Wang, 5. Beijing Langyou Asset Management Co., Ltd. Beijing 100102;


Abstract: A resource discovery solution of cloud manufacturing based on text information processing technology was proposed. This solution converted the description model of cloud manufacturing resource to a formal model of text information processing via a mapping function, and an EAV (Entity-Attribute-Value) derived model of cloud manufacturing resources was designed to solve the resource properties issues of heterogeneity, diversity, dynamic and so on. By introducing the Solr index schema, the text indexing system of resource properties data was built to improve query performance of related data. A prototype system was designed for discovering cloud manufacturing resources based on EAV model and Solr search engine, which applied to the cloud manufacturing platform, improving the discovery and matching capabilities of manufacturing resource.

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Recommended Citation

Geng Chao, Qu Shiyou, Xiao Yingying, Shi Guoqiang, Lin Tingyu, Guo Liqin, Wang Xiaowei. Cloud Manufacturing Resource Discovery Method Based on EAV Model and Solr[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2017, 29(10): 2496-2506.


