
Journal of System Simulation


Abstract: In the free-space quantum information technology application fields, such as the quantum communication system, the quantum positioning/navigation system and the quantum radar system, the non-ideal channel environment can cause quantum fading effect to destroy the availability of the whole quantum system. The development of the channel fading experiment of the quantum information transmission system was summarized and analyzed. The scale model experiment idea of the free-space quantum transmission system was put forward: the whole free-space quantum transmission system including the channel environmentwas reduced in size with a big scale factor to establish a scale model system; the operational principle, feasibility and performance of the prototype system can be verified by this scale model system. Aiming at this goal, the method for channel fading mechanism model and the similitude theory of the quantum transmission system were discussed. Taking the quantum radar cross section as an example, the established similitude criterion of the quantum transmission system was verified. The proposed idea can provide a new way for the experiment of free space quantum transmission system.

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Recommended Citation

Miao Qiang, WU Dewei. Progress of Quantum Information System and Its Scale Model Test[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2018, 30(4): 1294-1301.


