
Journal of System Simulation


Abstract: To design and analyze the urination assist system driven by ultrasonic-vaporized steam, a simulation model of the driving capsule and three mathematical models of working medium saturated vapor pressure, bladder pressure and urine flow are established. The simulation experiment system is built to verify the model. The effects of radiation time and sound intensity on the working medium temperature and driving pressure are simulated and analyzed. The results show that the working medium temperature and driving pressure are related to the radiation time and sound intensity. Prolonging radiation time and increasing sound intensity can increase the working medium temperature and driving pressure. In addition, under the conventional ultrasound physical therapy dose, the maximum urinary flow is close to the normal human urodynamic parameters. The simulation model and mathematical model are effective and practical, and can provide the theoretical reference to the designs of animal and clinical trials systems of the urination assist system.

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Recommended Citation

Li Xiao, Li Shu, Peng Weihong, Guan Ting. Modeling and Simulation of Urination Assist System Based on Working Medium Saturated Vapor Pressure[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2021, 33(4): 927-934.


