
Journal of System Simulation


Abstract: To solve the problem of the poor search for optimal performance and obstacle avoidance ability of path planning algorithms in complex dynamic environments, a UAV dynamic path planning algorithm combined with dynamic window approach (UAV-DPPA-DWA) is proposed. In the UAVDPPA- DWA algorithm, a novel elliptic tangent graph algorithm based on the evaluation of offset degree and obstacle distance is proposed to obtain the optimal guidance path for the UAV in static environments. If the UAV detects moving obstacles, a localized obstacle avoidance trajectory will be generated using the dynamic window method with adaptive parameters. Otherwise, the UAV will continue to fly along the guidance path obtained in the static environment. Various types of complex dynamic obstacle avoidance scenarios are presented to verify the performance of the proposed algorithm in terms of both path length and flight time. The experimental results show that, compared with the DWA, A*-DWA, RRT-DWA and PRM-DWA algorithms, the UAV-DPPA-DWA not only has a stronger obstacle avoidance capability to achieve a feasible flight trajectory, but also can complete the task along the optimal path in shorter time.

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Recommended Citation

Liu Bin, Lan Ying, Huang Wentao, et al. UAV Dynamic Path Planning Algorithm Combined with Dynamic Window Approach[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2024, 36(8): 1843-1853.

Corresponding Author

Fan Qinqin


