
Journal of System Simulation


Abstract: This paper studies virtual simulation testing technology for intelligent navigation collision avoidance decision-making and planning. The application requirements of intelligent navigation in cargo ships are introduced, and the current research status of collision avoidance decision-making strategies, path planning algorithms and decision-making planning testing technology are analyzed. For the intelligent navigation collision avoidance decision-making and planning capabilities of cargo ships, an intelligent navigation collision avoidance decision-making and planning algorithm is proposed based on the encounter situation division in the collision avoidance rules, combined with the quaternary ship field and Bezier curve interpolation theory. A simulation testing method for decision-making planning algorithms based on virtual simulation environment was constructed. The AIS (automatic identification system) simulator is used to simulate the status data of the target ship, and combined with the shipboard INS (integrated navigation system), the decision-making planning algorithm is tested. The effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed algorithm are verified through complex water simulation tests, which provides an important reference for the development and practice of intelligent navigation functions for cargo ships.

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Recommended Citation

Liu Jialun, Yang Fan, Xie Lingli, et al. Research on Virtual Simulation Testing Technology for Intelligent Navigation Collision Avoidance Decision-making and Planning[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2024, 36(8): 1780-1789.

Corresponding Author

Li Shijie


