
Journal of System Simulation


Abstract: This paper considers the problem that some customers' goods cannot be mixed in logistics distribution. Based on the traditional green vehicle routing problem with simultaneous pickup and delivery, customers are divided into three types: priority delivery, non-priority only pickup without delivery, and non-priority pickup with delivery. A single objective nonlinear optimization model is established to minimize the total cost. A hybrid heuristic method based on simulated annealing and adaptive large neighborhood search algorithm is designed. An improved saving algorithm is used to construct the initial solution. And 5 kinds of destruction operators and 2 kinds of repair operators are used in the simulated annealing algorithm framework for adaptive large neighborhood search, until stability is achieved. The simulation results indicate that the proposed method can effectively reduce total costs and the number of vehicles, and has fast convergence speed and strong stability.

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Recommended Citation

Cui Huanhuan, Guan Lihe. A Hybrid Heuristic Algorithm for Solving the Green VRP with Priority Delivery[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2025, 37(2): 413-423.

Corresponding Author

Guan Lihe


