
Journal of System Simulation


Abstract: CPG (central pattern generator) plays an important role for rhythm motion of the mammals. According to gait characteristics and kinematic relationship of hound, a full symmetric CPG network was built by considering the structure features of quadruped robot. Hopf oscillators model were chosen as core neuron models of CPG network, and the rotation matrix was used to connect four oscillators. After transformation by mapping function, output signals of CPG network were used to control joint angle of the virtual prototype robot. Quick and smooth transition between walk gait and trot gait were achieved by adjusting the parameters of CPG network such as duty ratio and changing the rotation matrix. The performance and effectiveness of adjusting the parameters in CPG network to realize gait transition were verified by coordinated simulation between MATLAB and ADAMS.

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Recommended Citation

Xu Haidong, Gan Su, Ren Jie, Wang Binrui, Jin Yinglian. Gait CPG Adjustment for a Quadruped Robot Based on Hopf Oscillator[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2017, 29(12): 3092-3099.

Corresponding Author

Binrui Wang,


