Journal of System Simulation
Volume 29, Issue 12 (2017)
Development Trend of Next Generation 3D Graphics Engines
Zhao Wei, Mao Ping, and Fanyu Shen
Parametric Approachfor Automatic Generation of Finite Element Modelfor Dental System
Wei Yi and Dengming Zhu
New Model for Mobile Indoor Maps Design and Expression
Deng Chen, Jiangpeng Tian, and Xia Qing
Parameter Identification Method Based on LagrangeMultiplier and Measuring Residual Error
He Zhi, Zhicheng Nie, Yining Qin, and Youping Fan
Doppler Ultrasound Blood Flow Signal Simulation of Aneurysm Based on Analytical Velocity Distribution
Gao Lian, Yufeng Zhang, Jine Yan, Zhiyao Li, Kexin Zhang, Xiong Min, and Suya Han
Monitoring Information Visualization for High-filling Loess Project
Liping Zheng, Chen Wei, Ting Liao, and Lu Chang
Sub-zero Cold Start Simulation of Hybrid Fuel Cell Vehicle Drivetrain
Xinfeng Zhang, Minghui Luo, Chuanqi Yao, Dai Wei, and Guofeng Chang
Solid-liquid Two-phase Flow Simulation of Hydrodynamic Suspension Polishing
Shengwei Zhu, Lihui Zhang, Hong Tao, and Zhang Cheng
Chemical Reaction Optimization Algorithmfor Solving QuayCrane Scheduling Problems of Container Terminal
Wang Xu, Shixin Liu, Ruiyou Zhang, and Wang Jia
Application of Virtual Reality in PLC Gas-fired Boiler Training System
Dahu Wang, Chen Xia, and Huizheng Gao
Modeling and Simulation of Heat Transfer Process of Coke Oven Twin Flue
Kun Shen, Wang Ling, and Tianyu Ma
Credibility Evaluation of Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation Test for Guided Weapons
Jianbin Dou, Xiaobing Wang, Bin Shan, and Zhang Yan
Point Cloud Segmentation Method of Maize Ear
Weiliang Wen, Xinyu Guo, Yang Tao, Deda Zhao, Miao Teng, Hongyu Zhu, and Chengyu Dong
Application of Distributed Clustering in Anomaly Detection of Farm Environment Data
Deng Li, Honglin Pang, Ling Wang, and Minrui Fei
Application of KPCA-ESN Method in Wi-Fi Based Indoor Positioning
Li Jun and Chen Ying
Truck Scheduling for Delivering Containers among Multiple Container Terminals Based on Truck Appointment System
Houming Fan, Zhenfeng Guo, and Yang Yu
Compressed Cooperative Eigenvalue Spectrum Sensing for Radio Signal
Jingjing Yang, Feng Yun, Zhigang Chen, Tang Hao, and Huang Ming
A Dynamic Routing Protocol which can Achieve Fast Convergence of MEO/LEO Network
Chengsheng Pan, Weigeng Lai, and Huaifeng Shi
Research and Implementation of EGR performance Evaluation for Turbocharged Diesel Engine
Xianghuan Zu, Yinyan Wang, Chuanlei Yang, Jianwei Du, and Jialun Wang
Distributed Power Emergency Rescue Perception and Cooperative Information Interaction Technology
Xiaojun Xie, Hanchen Lu, and Ruoxin Shi
Gait CPG Adjustment for a Quadruped Robot Based on Hopf Oscillator
Haidong Xu, Gan Su, Ren Jie, Binrui Wang, and Yinglian Jin
Modeling and Simulation of Radar Networking Anti-stealth Based on the Detection Probability
Bin Chen, Chuangming Tong, and Ximin Li
Simulation of Influence of Lightning on Internal Electromagnetic Environment of Computer
Gaihong Du, Yangmeng Tian, Caixia Wang, and Hongwei Wang
Hybrid RZF Precoding Algorithm for Massive MIMO System
Bin Xie, Shumin Xie, and Shurui Liu
Distributed Estimation Algorithm for Multi-dimensional Multi-choice Knapsack Problem
Tan Yang, Liu Zhang, and Zhou Hong
Variable Structure PID Speed Control and Rotor Resistance Identification of Induction Motor
Xiaoyi Lü, Wang Yan, Zhicheng Ji, and Dahu Yan
Sensorless Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor with Improved Sliding Mode Observer
Li Jie, Wang Yan, Zhicheng Ji, and Dahu Yan
Thermodynamic System Analysis of a New Double-Bladder Accumulator
Zhao Wei and Ye Qian
Design of Anti -windup Controller for SRMDirect Instantaneous Torque System
Xiaofei Qin, Liu Jie, and Li Feng
Visual Analysis of Literature Review of Phase Space Reconstruction
Meng Li and Yeping Bi
Memcapacitor Model Based On Memristor
Zhaohui Gan, Yuxin Wu, Jiang Min, and Shiying Zhang
Distributed Modeling and Simulation Method of Equipment Support System Based on Multi Agent
Lili Yin, Kou Li, and Wenhui Fan