
Journal of System Simulation


Abstract: A hierarchical decoupling cooperative control method for signal light mixed traffic platoon is designed with the goal of improving the traffic environment at signalized intersections. In the research of upper layer signal control, a calculation model for vehicle delay time at intersections is selected, with the goal of minimizing the average delay time of vehicles. A genetic algorithm based upper layer control strategy for intersection signal lights is proposed and verified; in the research of lower layer mixed platoon control, a "1+N" form is used to establish a dynamic model of the mixed platoon. A vehicle energy consumption model is selected, with the goal of minimizing platoon economy. A mixed platoon lower layer control strategy based on optimal control is proposed and validated. Based on the verification of upper and lower control strategies, the effectiveness and sensitivity of the cooperative control method are studied. The research results indicate that the cooperative control method proposed can effectively improve the traffic efficiency and vehicle economy of intersections in different traffic scenarios; the shorter the values of minimum green light duration and control zone length, the better the improvement effect of average vehicle delay time and average fuel consumption per 100 kilometers.

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U491.5+4; TP391

Recommended Citation

Huang Qiushi, Wang Yanyang, Wu Changliang, et al. Cooperative Control Method of Mixed Traffic at Signalized Intersection[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2025, 37(1): 271-283.

Corresponding Author

Wang Yanyang


