Journal of System Simulation
Volume 28, Issue 7 (2016)
Research on Highline Cable Parametric Design Platform of Alongside Replenishment at Sea
Li Nan, Zhuobin Wei, Xuejun He, and Shiyun Zhang
Study of IM Parameter Identification Using Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization with Proportional Guided Strategy
Huang Song, Tian Na, Wang Yan, and Zhicheng Ji
Dynamic Evolvement and Emergence Modeling for Distributed Operational Systems Capability
Yinghui Yang, Jianhua Li, Mingli Nan, Chen Qiang, and Jifang Wen
Study on Influence of Community Structure on Opinion Topic Propagation of Micro-blog
Hengmin Zhu, Hu Wei, Ma Jing, and Wei Jing
Simulation Investigation of Rumor Spreading Model Base on Two-layer Scale-free Networks
Zhihua Qin and Yongmei Liu
Robust Control of Free-floating Two-flexible-link Space Manipulator Based on Observer
Xiaoyan Yu and Chen Li
Implementation and Application of Complex System Modeling and Simulation Language Compiler
Zhou Wen, Chi Peng, Bohu Li, and Song Xiao
Research on Force Compliance of the Hydraulic Control System in Major-Motion Mechanism for Manipulator
Geqiang Li, Jingwei Zhang, Yuesong Li, Bin Zhou, and Shuye Ma
Modeling and Simulation of Magnetostrictive Impact Drive Mechanism
Zhao Ran and Quanguo Lu
Scheduling Problem of Unidirectional Material Handling System with Short-cut
Juntao Li, Kun Xia, and Kise Hiroshi
In-cylinder Flow Analysis and Verification of Opposed-piston Two-stroke Engine
Fukang Ma, Changlu Zhao, Zhenfeng Zhao, Wang Hao, Yu Xia, Cao Yan, and Jiqing Zhang
DFIG Grid Connection Simulation Method Used for Transient Analysis of Black-start
Liqing Liu, Zengqiang Mi, Du Ping, Yuliang Wan, and Yuan He
Simulation and Analysis on Coupled Vibration of Fracturing Truck Process
Chuan Wang, Zhenqiang Xie, Guorong Wang, Shimin Zhang, Hou Wen, Li Jun, Zhou Xu, and Chu Fei
Research on Reactor Modeling Simulation Based on Neutron Equivalence Homogeneous Theory
Ma Jin, Zhibin Liu, Bingshu Wang, and Xinhui Duan
Research on Intelligent Hauling Speed Regulation System Based on Shearer's Reliability
Xunan Liu, Lijua Zhao, Dongmin Gai, Zhangyu Du, and Liangying Hao
Research on Visual Objective Test Method of High-Level Flight Simulator
Zhangfa Liu and Huiyong Li
Multipurpose Image Watermarking Algorithm for Progressive Transmission
Jianqiu Jin, Bangqing Cao, Wang Xun, Haiyan Wu, and Bailing Yang
Eigen-value Combination Approach for Speech Enhancement
Huijuan Lu, Yaqing Liu, Yanqiu Liu, and Guan Wei
Carrier Disposition PWM Control with No Dead Zone for TNPC Inverter
Wenjuan Li, Feng Jie, and Wang Chao
GM-CPHD Filter with State-dependent Clutter
Lili Ma, Xiaoshan Qin, and Jinguang Chen
Parameters Optimization for Variable Speed and Pitch Controller of Wind Turbine Based on Bladed
Gao Feng, Wang Wei, and Xinmei Ling
Evaluation and Analysis of Land Intensive Utilization Based on Parameters Optimization of SVM
Chen Li, Jiaojiao Li, and Shulu Xiao
Decoupling Control of Poultry Hatching Process Based on α-order Neural Network Inverse System
Guoxiong Zhou, Junchao Li, and Aibin Chen
Study Machine Tool Spindle Performance Reliability Based on Bayes Method
Yulun Chi and Haolin Li
Switching Characteristics of BJT and PSPICE Simulation
Li Zi and Yuanbo Zhang
Research on Static Behavior of XX-Joints Based on ANSYS
Pan Ying and Linxiao Qin
Research of Impact Point Accuracy of One-dimensional Trajectory Correction Projectile Based on Monte Carlo
Xiaoyun Lei and Zhian Zhang
Performance Evaluation of Automated Warehouse Based on Markov Chain
Xiangguo Ma, Tongjuan Liu, Wang Li, and Rongfen Jiang
Potato Storage Temperature Prediction Control Based on PSO and ESNs
Junxia Liu, Xinrong Xiong, and Hu Bing